Wednesday, May 23, 2007


We are driving home from dinner tonight and talking about rhyming words. Everyone is throwing out really hard words to try and rhyme, like chocolate and purple. So I say "what rhymes with Uranus?" and Mason says "how about paradeus?"

"What does that mean?" I ask.

Mason says . . . wait for it . . .

"I think it is latin for parade."

I cracked up. I told him I would have to run home and pull out my latin dictionary and check it out.

OMG! The Masonism is back.


Anonymous said...

That's my grandson! Gotta love him!

Tracy said...

Seriously, could that kid be any cuter? I think not.

Anonymous said...

Totally funny!!! What a great little mind he has!!

Joe said...

ah yes a classic masonism....Dina invented a word this weekend..profetic....this is a profit being...well...profetic.!! ye ye

Celeste said...

LOL, what a funny little dude!

Nicole *Ü* said...

LOL - Too cute!!!