Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Kids Cost Too Damn Much

So, last night at dance I had to pay for Morgan's costumes. TOO MUCH! The three costumes totalled $169. Can you believe that? Plus the $80/month I pay for dance classes. Mason's birthday is this weekend and he is having a bowling party. $75 for the bowling alley. Plus cake and party favors, etc.

Speaking of Mason's party, I gave him 24 invites to take to school. He has 17 kids in his class, not counting him, and he invited them all. Then I told him he could use a couple of the extras for friends not in his class this year. I told him he did not have to give them all out. Well, when I talked to him Friday and asked about his invitations, he had give out all but 1. I said who did you give the extras to? Jenna, Julia, and Kane. I said that is only three, where did the other three go? He said "I gave them to Jenna and Julia's friends because they were standing with them." How do you get mad at that? He was trying not to hurt anyone's feelings. What a kid!

Friday night I went to a scrapbook sleepover at a local hotel. We scrapped from 6p Fri to 6p Sat. I got so much done. It was great!

Another busy week with the party and Easter coming up. I will blog about them later.


Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, and your sister coming into town.....but apprently she doesnt make the list of upcoming plans......

Nicole *Ü* said...

Oh, please don't get me started on dance fees!! LOL Not only do I have costume fees but I have competition fees!!!!! It totally and completely bites for TWO girls!!!!! So I absolutely feel your pain, my dear!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, sometimes I wish my kids were more involved in stuff (sports, whatever) like they were when they were little but then I'm glad they aren't when it come to the MONEY!!

Happy Birthday Mason! What a sweetie!